Here we stand, in the land of frost and fire Where in each living person’s heart Burns a small fire But a small fire may grow and burn ever brighter It will burn a great distance and lead one towards their desires But fire does not burn in one who is not living Their mind filled with hate And heart locked up tight With frost on the lock These creatures know no pain and have only one desire To decimate their foe and ***** out their fire These creatures stand tall and their numbers grow larger If we do not stop them now, their frost will put out the fire Do not fear bearers of flame Thou enemy will fall, in the glory of flame A battle is brewing Between frost and fire Frost may have strength in numbers But the flames endow ones desire And our desire is victory Among the battlefield Where the enemy will fall and their numbers will yield So it begins, the sound of steel clashing fills the air Within an instant the sound clears the air We are victor, the ones who bear flame We shout to the Heavens, so that they know our name The land once known as frost and fire Is now known only as the Land of Flame