this world i walk alone i have no fear but people in society see the chance to rip into the skin of a person s mind and fills it with lies you cant get away from.
this world is filled with the fire in the eyes of a lire that knows the tricks and card games played write but the eyes filled with fire are the lies they have choses to hide there own identity. behind. but the eyes of a lire have no inisents but the grave they started to dig.
i hide my eyes behind a deep blue sea full of mistery and vanished questions my blue eyes are the image of you reflectin back on me .
my eyes have no lies only the cold steair down your spin.
my blue eyes are the cold feids of snow that has no face to be herd..
my russian blue eyes tell a storie of how i have servied. but my russian blue eyeshave never ran with a identity that become a lie on it own.
i might be crazy but in this life i have goals to set me free
let your wings free and let your dreams be com your own reality