I Can right de way I want Bcoz I tok de way I WANT TeLL me I’m rong I ekspress my fillings through poetry I can rite about everything Without feaR Poetry daznt allow me to supress! My FILLINGS I no this is not kompellinG With eras in my spelling Don’t ASK mi y Jast REED my eras I’M taryard of yu piple Traying to tell me wat to du End wat’ not 2 du Kontroling mi lyf While yours is folling apart Eye don’t really liv mi lyf To pruve piple’s perseptions .Write or rong Abawt my lyf Mind yo own business End liv mi lyf alone Kip quet and read Mi eras BECOZ EVRYTIHNG I do Is rong Im eva rong to you NoTHing beautifull; Yu eva tell about me_ So suit yourself/ (End reeD mi erAs
people won't appreciate you for who you are they will always talk when you do good and talk when you do bad its simply how life is