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Dec 2015
What's this?

I haven't seen you in about two years.

What a trip.

Drempt about you again I fear.

Here I sit.

Sides aching from a night of thrusts and laughter.

All alone just shakeing not sure quite what I'm after.
All I know is your the only one who has it. I've never met another, hope that I never do, I just want you, oh well, its not so bad, just an open wound in my side pressed raw by a nation of temptations, a generation of complacents and the memory of you, memory ever freshened by the winds of social media, a soul mate holds my sides and crys as I miss you so deeply I cannot feel her touch, you mortally wounded me, Venus, my unrequiteable loyalty, dashed jaged on rocks, like a ship in fog so close all not to reach the shore, are you happy? Is it what you expected? Do you have regrets like me? Do you ever lay in bed like this and wonder how it may have otherwise gone? Do you ever think about showing up at my door like you have before for a hug, for a smoke and or a shoulder to cry on? I wish I had the strength to let your tears play on my heart without it softening for you, do I still give the best hugs in the world? Can you still feel safe in my arms? Is that really all I wanted.
John B
Written by
John B  28/M/Within The Omniverse
(28/M/Within The Omniverse)   
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