it's a little but plenty it's so cheap but expensive. It's so brave but it's cautios and so sweet nearly noxious.
it's so full, and so empty it's so bright and so tempting so fulfilling and breaking what it gives you will take it.
It will knock you off your feet it will dislocate your heart it will wither your bones and it's not even the worst part.
It will starve you and leave you then take back and forgive too it will beat you up daily hourly make life dreary
it will spill, it will cry when you turn away wry lift you higher than heaven bury deeper than hell your vision will better but blindness will find a way.
you will come out a ******* egocentric but lost selfish, trustless and beaten sell yourself for no cost.
throw yourself at a stranger look for comfort and "it" years will pass, pain will ease you'll still die incomplete.