Serenely independent of ineptitude in life Unclamoured by resentment’s inconvenience and strife, When borne upon a wave of incredible blue sea To leave a beaming smile on this old, wrinkled face of me.
Gleefully convulsing at a funny story told When the teller roared with laughter and crossed her legs to hold, And the day began with sunshine and a twinkle in the eye And progressed to such hilarity, to make a grown man cry.
And once you’ve got the giggles, they’re impossible to lose Despite the glass of water or the remedy you choose. The tickle of the moment will make you catch your breath And you’ll erupt in gales of laughter and quite *** yourself bereft!
Oh the joy to have a wet spot on a sunny afternoon When the pheromones are coursing and the day is for the loons When the aching in your belly joins the weakness in the knees And reminds you of the magic found in laughter, if you please.
Marshalg Tickled pink in the sunshine 23 November 2011