Iron brought out of the dark earth, pushed into a crimson forge. Coals heated beyond white hot, metal liquid then cooled. Over and over the process is repeated, each time the hammer falls ringing on the metal. The breath of a red beast is poured into the steel that has been wrought from iron. The seething venom of a hell spawn with red scales like glistening red jewels. It spits its flame into the forge as the coals become hot beyond reason. In goes the steel out it pours into the mold. Clang goes the hammer as it is folded and formed. Back into the fire, the dragons breath hot on the blade. Bang goes the hammer to the anvil. Muscle and sweat are poured into the blade with blood spattered on it for good measure. Hell spawns breath heats the forge as it roars to life, putting the final touches on the sword. A weapon that will cut through the night and make women lament and weep for they are widows and their children are orphans. What a terrible thing, this Dragon blade that thirst for battle and wills itself to drink blood.