American people gather near Cuz every rabble-rouser isn’t sincere You can be motivated by fear Or you can cling to the things you hold dear Bold words alone won’t bring about change I’ve said it before, “******* baffles brains.” And just like then the fact still remains Despite certain people rattling our chains
You can be taken in by the hype Cuz legitimately you may have a gripe But don’t act as if you’re on the glass pipe Pretend that you're made of a broader stripe You can be tricked into not caring Who you’re offending, but don’t call that daring Say what you will about what I’m sharing But into whose mirror have you been staring
Do onto others, as you’d have them do The 20th Century should provide a clue Today it’s them, tomorrow it’s you Everything old tends to come back through Even though certain people are hard to ignore Hatred and xenophobia we’ve seen before Do we really want to reopen that door To advance an agenda we need to ignore
It’s high time that you and I realize We’re not the only ones to be terrorized By people that most Muslims despise Miscreants who wear Islam as their disguise We have to adjust and stiffen our backs Now that we too are confronted by the facts That we might be subjected to terror attacks Let’s all remember how an American acts