thus each tear i shed unto your people tribalised by a religion, unto each child of your womb a tear of mine, that i might return from the prison of islam that became a “home” as instigated by islam, and into the home i know of, as being the enemy, in judaism given respect, guardian of the tetragrammaton as the trinity of s, n, t and the hidden vowels.*
and if my prison was islam, why have my caste resemble agianst your beauty, brother? you only made me biterrer to have my ugly form moulded against your beauty i see in god mould you otherwise akin to god's thought, so why have you delved in demasking me?! why have you attmepted to demask me and give clothing of your nakedness with angelic spires of the wings? you demasked me... and by so doing you made me more beautiful than you could ever be... thus i shed a tear upon listening to the islamic call to prayer - and i could have replaced a love music for the wahabi doctrine of only listening to the call of prayer... but brother... i write this with tears in my eyes... why did you unravel the mystery of aesthetics that god allowed me to be a tourist among these forms in placebo represented as their own and mortal, thus sunsets above the wording that did not revel in reading but in action, and the few under pseudonym erasmus bothered with the antonym of the former and left the latter to idiots, which you claimed descent of from the idiocy of a prophet that... simply... didn't bother... he thus trading olives and nectarines tried trading words and found himself bound to only one paragraph expressed: and the dictionary of his eloquence only reached the letter m from a rather than ending in z... in that onomatopoeia of m n l o t p sung in dyslexic silence; saddly enough genghis khan wrote more and killed many more than the supposedly heaven sent muhammad... but the mongols were never destined to revel in living under oil... they lived under camel fat all along... and never became decadend like the saudi arabs became with the european ******* ready to expoit youth of flesh than subject the flesh to the forces of swan encompassing a stature of the idea encompassing marriage; well european ******* are cheap: you could mistake a bulgarian ***** for a romanian one every other day of the week, and it still wouldn't feed the ethopian advertised by western charity companies needing more money to feed the western bureaucrat for digit input pin: x x x, x x x, than that ethopian chirch adopted child eating quasi-sushi off a maiden head of a crap dipped into the depths the dark thus recycling endearing the construction of mollusk protein in m.e.n.s.a.