no wonder i watch *******, it's a moral struggle these days downing a whiskey trying to down america 1930s. al capone would have laughed with me i'm sure, and shouted: cuba! cuba! fiddle castrato! well, there was the violin to mind in tao when the castratos masturbated;. oh look... the pope! where’s my bishop purple and cardinal red? down the toilet, with the goldfish i’m assured: bobs the necktie password concerning the onomatopoeia the bubbles made when appearing: bubbles are called bob... ok?*
it was only an old man attired in the usual monochrome of gray, so i walked, scratched a stone wall, and by the 2nd gesture similis i pulled my hand scratching toward my chest to resemble a stone heart: equivalent chinese? small is european stone: writing this i missed six knuckles and felt the rest.