My dreams are full Of skull-******* And ****-******* And ******* all night long.
******* girls I loved And girls I came to hate.
They are full of that driving hunger like being tickled By the queen wasp's stinger Until the syringe went to deep
And the want became a need
And the ******* became
A plague,
so that I couldn’t dream Of anything else, but sticking my **** into some pink ***** And driving it all the way into Her until I could see it in her eyes, forcing the smell of her reddened, limping ***** out of her ears like a bloated body excreting excess venom.
I wake up to a hard-on, fatigued, limping, famished, humiliated.
Every night I pull the power cord out of the digital radio beside my bed, the one with the lime-green numerals, and I wrap the cord around my neck until I can hear the muffled hammering of my heartbeat inside my skull.
I understand that this poem is graphic. Many won't read past the first few lines.