a. calls it solipsism... b. calls it vocabulary... honeslty? i don't care which is required for 1 + 1 = 2.*
then unto you my grievance made rest and thus let reside in that which made comfort from discomfort that made heart acquiring less inquiring, then the grievance that faked a man’s womb to womb a man’s wording to ***** exchnage of mother for christianity not made in guraded pride not governed by priest but by the long oar and the cold whip of the northern wind exchanging a harvest of orca; orca! sea bled red antonym of babylonian azure! unto you i claim harvest of voice, unto you an onomatopoeia of clapping with carving hearing that of a chisel... let us signature the body in stone and the soul in god... or exchange the stone in god as command soul in body as ownership of the least commanding ex nihil machina et cetera deus anti ****; quare **** est?!