Faster and faster the whole world appears to be going and all that we make and do this indication is showing. Take for example our modes of transport and communication the emphasis is on greater speed being the general observation.
Where will it all end? is a question some people often ask and will the end justify the means to accomplish the task? To get the most things done possible in the minimum time trying not to forsake good quality which would be a crime.
Faster and faster the whole world appears to be going and mankind is the instigator of this situation growing. And how long will all the available natural resources last? as we use them all up to produce many things so very fast.
Care for the environment is an issue that is of some concern but how much damage will be done to it before we all learn? Recycling of re-usable material has quickly gained an acceptable hold and methods of waste management or disposal have become quite bold.
Faster and faster the whole world appears to be going and costs involved have out of proportion been blowing. Although there has been a tendency lately to reduce and minimize the price as long as making things faster, keeping up with the demand is profitably nice.
‘Time is money’ and the longer something takes to make the greater its cost with advancements in technology quality over quantity isn’t seen to be lost. Affordable and appealing to the average buyer is what the market demands as people go around looking at all the items displayed in shop floor stands.
Faster and faster the whole world appears to be going and in that direction which hardly anyone is knowing. Apart from all the reasonable educated theories and speculation much is left to be desired that requires our utmost consideration.
To find oneself being left behind isn’t what anyone wants to face thus the effort to move along with the rest in this human rat race. We all have our individual pride and self esteem to maintain in shape and going faster and faster toward our destination there is no escape.
Faster and faster we are making this world of ours to go reflecting the condition of our minds we ought to know. A person whose mind is working too fast becomes as one mad can’t we imagine what would happen if everyone gets this bad?
We really need to slow down a bit and take stock of where we find ourselves now ‘cause otherwise the situation might get out of control and force all of us somehow to have many bitter regrets over what could have been avoided if we had only surely known as there’s enough evidence from the past to suggest a warning before disaster we’re thrown.
Faster and faster we do appear to be going forward by an invincible spirit of speed and I wonder about man’s inborn tendency to go beyond limitations and his greed. Those with some degree of optimism say there’s really nothing to worry about at all and maintain that sooner or later we’ll reach a stage from which it’s impossible to fall!
I consider myself optimistic but what is seen going on in the world makes me depressed and the thought of expressing my feelings like this here means that I’m sorely distressed. If it’s only a case of whatever’s seen out there being a reflection of our inner mental state then we all need to realistically change our attitudes before it becomes practically too late.