i like the communism acknowledged by ants and terminites, but that brothel bit where we plagiarise lions just to get islam? **** that, let’s try again, and again, and again... until the rhytms of the labrador and the tricep conincide with a society worth living in, the utopia of my grandfather i wished i lived in only compensated by achilles and hercules... imagine! only by achilles and hercules! only by achilles and hercules! hell with you! hell with you for stealing that from me and giving me the antionette john paul ii... that gave me a statue and not a job - endearing as the entering applause, hell with you, discarded western of the jeans... i'd go back to ukraine had i claimed justice in a society that divided me to make justice unclaimed and literature for worth of being unclaimed... had such society existed... the mongols would have conquered it by simply yawning / as opposed to mustard stink / what? west's the best daddy's girl hello boy dylan **** jim morrison? you're ahead of yourself in the electra complication with the decided cold war no.2 originating with the kalashnikov & katyusha in pseudo-ottoman hands; hell with you! stay middle class and un-fuckable!