The chocolate digestive is a marvel of invention Custard creams are sickly, but worthy of a mention Shortbread can be gritty, steer clear of the cheap ones For if you love your biscuits, your pockets must be deep ones
For perfect dunkability, the hobnob leads the field But prone to going chewy if their packet isn't sealed Bourbon creams can satisfy when nothing else is offered Avert your eyes from pretzels, no matter how they're proffered
The lowly Garibaldi is an underrated treasure A macaroon is excellent for eating at your leisure Enjoy the home made cookies and the chocolate crispy nests And save a pack of party rings for fobbing off on guests
But biscuits can be functional, with keen survival craft A packet of pink wafers can be used to make a raft Penguins can be hollowed out and used to smuggle crack And if you throw a ginger nut, you'll always get it back
A Jaffa cake is handy as a snowboard for a spider And flapjacks are a sustenance and energy provider Wagon wheels are lethal when they're wielded by a ninja Brandy snaps cure cancer with a tiny hint of ginger
Experiment with biscuits, they're a versatile thing Try horizontal dunking or the highland shortbread fling Keep a packet stashed away for when the end is nigh And always have the kettle full, and milk in good supply