Like a bedouin in the garden of Eden, roaming around with Eve and breeding.
And sin waltzed on in. 'hey take some of this'
Paddy tells me that the kiss of a sinner's the same as that of the saint 'cepting one's very good and t'other one ain't.
To be sure the pure took a dive kicked out of paradise, but they learnt to survive on the streets of anger where hunger was the snake in the grass.
Abel and Cain and paddy says, 'two peas from the same pod 'cepting one was a good guy and t'other made god sigh' aye, a biblical time dinner at eight apples at nine homeless at twenty in a world full of plenty.
Thanks for the rations, the fig leaf and fashions the snake in the grass and I pass on the rest.
These are the test of times, the beginning of days and of Eve and her ways.
The bible unread the sea of the dead the holy land and Netflix.