I taught myself to feel pain before I knew what it was. I felt the scars of the future like they were already burned into my skin. I've felt the heaviness on my shoulders while it was still light.
She was the child who felt the stare of a billion eyes, and she was the child lost in the crowd of her own mind.
She grew up with her mind but never realized it could turn against her, as chewable vitamins turned to pills and warm milk turned to *****.
Soaked faces and open wounds turned her into her own enemy, as she thinks back to when she predicted her fears.
Every paranoia slips her into another trance of endless doubt, as the life drains from her face and her thoughts drown in the sea.
She is the last note ever played on an out of tune piano, and the first note to be played at her own funeral.
Sometimes, happy endings don't happen to sad beginnings.