Moments like this A lasting story messages from the past sent through time and trouble holding you fast to promises made
At a marriage altar you being young and naive didn’t know all the implications that’s alright with time Life divides and then adds the richness for coming days in those close moments when eyes speak with
Out words you find out amazing things as life unfolds then it was the time she put on a cowboy hat it Wasn’t the hat alone and it put new meaning to thinking cap because when I looked in under the brim
Those eyes were not just pretty but they were thinking to many guys have got it wrong when they think I will lead and you follow no equal partnership was God’s idea and it was perfect go on and be head
Strong if you want frustration and trouble in big doses where once loving roses used to be the signature Meaningful testament of pure love found and lived to the fullest bending to a voice that sings the
Most powerful romantic interludes see her face in a rain soaked window pane looking out into the Windswept outer world while the inner stirring was heavy you could hear it come through when she
Spoke it wasn’t the light chatter of normal conversation to lives were washed into the torrent love was Filled with feeling emotion and deep seated admiration links of a chain that was unbreakable built on
Solid ground of trust and faith all was needed was time for seasoning in both ideas of the word Seasoning that builds strength and stability and the seasons of the year that hold their own special
Magic deepening spring gives the chance for flourishing you imperceptibly draw form this natural order That occurs in nature’s divine order then the summer brings a slow steady completeness that will
Culminate in love’s case in a random harvest that will go beyond expectation in the fall the heart will Take all of loves bounty life will be made rich if you look deeply you will see their lives bowed in the
Most glorious truth that love can impart then the winter gives a display you will see how much Abundance their lives held when it is paired down to starkness the cold wind carries more than just
Brooding feelings of loss within the natural world it gives the valued time of reassessment because Everything is readying for a great explosion know that riveted expectation is soon to be born all anew
You are in for a blow but it is a storm that love brings and it will not subside