a warm sunny day filled with life seems not normal> my paranoya grew heavyer. i heard my millitary sccanner go off. i listen what they said they were going to exterminat our little society town. i grab my girlfriend we both ran to tell eny one who could take this threat well. i knew the timing of when the bombs would drop. i knew every one vary well but it will all be lost. it was 2:00 am. the bombs were going to drop right be for night fall to get every thing ready. night was scares for me and her to prepar for the worst. we gave people another warning with the air rade syron blaring. we both bunkkered down varry vary deep to be untouched by the misles blow on a saturday evning i started to gather family pets and any one els.
i started to set the clock for the final note. at 2:00 in the afternoon all our equipment and beds and supilze were accounted.
5:00 we had the final moments to hold out. the small timer reached 10/ 9/ 8/ 7/ 6/ 5/ 4/ 3/ 2/ 1 we held echother close.
the time ran out and all we heard was a vary loud ringing sound. we held out and survived. but the rest of society was wiped out. i new my parinoid side had came right on time. only my entire family pets and my girlfriends started venchering out.
all we saw was a ****** horor show peoples bodyes vaperized all shops were gone
we survied the unknown from the trsty side of peranoya that was right.
we have to find what has happened we found out this was a plane that was only aimed at us since this small society had people who was a hush hush dont tell