What if i told u that i have lost someone vary dear to me! every day has no ending its a chapter book with endless endings that keep going. this world has so much danger how long can i keep going when war and corruptness spreads like a disease. wild fire that spreads taking the lives of people who cant fight any more! every day has a new change every trust is a simple whit lie so no one suspects the dangers coming a head>>>! what if war broke out would you fight for what the gavernment wont show. surviving any threat is the way friend ships stays. evan if you cant trust the friends who burnt you and ******* you up taking your only thing dear to you.
I ask you what would you do even if it involves fighting death and war and riots all alone
for every person whos lives were lose i place a red rose on the dead for the nature (RIP) what would u do is you had nothing left to even live for. i wouldnt let go i would keep writing my storie in the chapter book that never ends the pen on paper never stops
survival stops nothing be free fearless and strong even if you help the ones who need to be lead to safty