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Nov 2015
Would calm !!!!!
Humans would learn something other than "Harm"
How can we live when we are all on alarm????
Just seems it would be a better world if everyone was disarmed
Instead of rearming
Could we all live in peace without bombing???

Country against Country
Christians against Muslims
Muslims against Christians
Blacks against Whites
Whites against Blacks
Get what I mean
This world gets smaller and more lean
It's just a money making machine
Maybe it's time for all of our God's we worship
to come, to intervene
It appears that everyone is out to destroy this world
and it'sΒ Β no longer their white pearl

This world I thought we shared
Eventually it needs to be spared (of)

Soon I am afraid we will ask
"Do you remember this world"
Β Β It was calm and serene
Mark Tilford
Written by
Mark Tilford  Louisville ky
(Louisville ky)   
     ---, --- and GaryFairy
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