I open the treasure chest so slowly This has taken me an eternity to find Since I was a small child I have been seeking This journey has alone changed me The child I am has a new mind But will this discovery be to my liking?
The anticipation mixed with the fear of an end Perplexed and intrigued my simple mind At the start of my journey I had an army Now I look and I see not even one friend All have left and some were less than kind Yet those are scars that now define me
As I look inside the chest it was what I feared most The chest was empty, nothing but a shell When I left for this discovery I was so sure Now I sit dismayed, regretting every boast Now there was nothing left to do but dwell No one waited for me to return that was for sure
What have I done? Why was there no treasure? When I left I felt so compelled Yet this shows evidence that I was wrong There has been no good, no pleasure There was absolutely nothing of worth to be held If this was the end, why did it take so long? I crossed raging waters and climbed mountains I suffered the cold and the heat I was alone and I was lost I never once found any fountains Now I am broken and beat And my hopes and dreams tossed
I stare blankly at the empty chest I close it and dust it off from the ground And in the mundane duty I still couldn’t see That on the mighty journey I gave my best Even when there was no one around I was the one who saw the end of the journey
Yet I never realized this until I read The writing on this small brown chest It was etched in the side with care And this is what those words said When you your soul invest It no longer matters what is fair Because the road becomes true Your path becomes bright When your investment is in you This is the treasure of the right
I fell down to my knees crying I dropped the chest in the dirt I finally realized the God of love It took me a lifetime of trying I went through so many moments of hurt But then God came to me from above
He said to me in that moment in time That I have so much I can invest But I have the choice and decision to make And in God I can give what is not mine I can give the treasure in the chest So that others a journey can take