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Nov 2015
This night is exploding in my heart
Their bombs and bullets
no longer hold fear for me.
Take your weapons of death
and malice I care not.
Pray to your Gods
of hate and intolerance.
Point your guns at my heart.
I will not flinch
For my faith is based
upon human love for every soul.
Fire your weapons of hate and death
Fire it at me again and again.
I do not care.
For in this hour of darkness
I will see the sun rise
like the others whose blood
you have shed this night.
So unafraid I stare into the void
and will not cower in fear.
For I see a hand that has gentleness
and love reaching for me
I see the peace in his eyes.
Your bullets may hurt for a moment
but his love will last an eternity.
My heart flies over the sunlight with them.
My ink is their veins
Tonight the saddened moon
washes their souls clean with its tears.
Let them linger in our hearts.
let them sleep
in the silent peace of justice.
let us stand as all humans
without demarcations
of creed and race.
Let us pray to our gods
of love and peace.
let us stand unafraid as one entity.
Sleep in the light
you are found not lost
Written by
Jude kyrie  Canada
     ---, DSD, --- and David Ehrgott
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