White american men with gold retriever dogs smoke black hatred, not recognizing a grey smog. Scared of black, brown -- all atheists are ill -- but not afraid of greenbacks or guys named Bill.
Here's your day job. Here's your pay, Bob. America the great. If terrorists equal Muslim then Christians equal hate.
You say it's not victimization. You say it's not a hunt. You say it's not intimidation, but sometimes I think you see people as witches, ****.
Christ is the answer, indeed. Without Him we're all lost and our souls will never be freed. Like tears frozen in the frost. Bibles, crucifixes to fix the diseased mind. How much does a prayer have to cost to be genuinely kind?
Chemtrails stain pages and bleed as curses. Gay rights to be denied, according to bible verses.
Nursery rhymes and cult games, all in the good old King James. Archaic and inane, like an alter sheltered brain.
Here's your day job. Here's your pay, Bob. Use the check to pay angels and evangelists. Protect yourself from ideas, and buy a white picket fence.