Just an illiterate fisherman Before the Holy Spirit spread Even my shadow had power To heal and raise Dorcus from the dead
Jesus called my brother Andrew, too When we both toiled as fishermen To follow Him in God’s mission And learn how to be Fishers of men
I witnessed his transfiguration Meeting Elijah and Moses A prelude to Jesus Risen He knew he faced no bed of roses
Jesus taught me how his days on Earth All were numbered to the hour He transfigured on the mountain I saw His magnificent power
I proclaimed, “You are the Messiah!” I assure you God loves us all Angels tapped me on the shoulder To be witness to His mighty call
I was there when God spoke lovingly “This is my much beloved son” I’ve not been telling fairy-tales In the light of Eternity Won
I was ordained by Jesus Himself And founded two churches of hope Spread His message of salvation To Catholics I’m the very first pope
I am warning you ahead of time Surprise, like a thief in the night He’s giving more time for sinners Who are trying hard to get it right
Believe that day is surely coming So while waiting for His return Achieve closer union with God Holy, Godly lives are your concern
Live without sinning and be at peace With everyone-it’s not too late My own eyes have seen His Glory Let His light dawn in your soul-don’t wait!
Remember I walked on water, too Following Jesus in His wake All ungodly men will perish So follow him, too, for your own sake
Those who fall in love with money Always doing wrong to others Beware false prophets who tell lies Destroy their unrepentant covers
I remind you all so solemnly Of ***** and Gomorrah’s end And yet God saved that good man, Lot And He can rescue you, too, my friend
A man’s a slave to what controls him “Do what you like, be free”, say men False teachers are fools, don’t listen For they really are slaves to their sin
I remind you He came to save us From the rottenness all around Demonstrating His character To the Golden Rule you should be bound
A dog coming back to his ***** Or a pig wallowing again It’s worse than not to have known Him For those who turn once again to sin
When a person escapes wickedness Then tangles up with sin once more By turning on His commandments He’ll be worse off than he was before
No woman escapes their sinful stares They proudly boast of sin, no giving They’ve gone off the road, useless and doomed Luring others to wicked living
God delivered us from the old life Put aside your own desires Gladly be patient and Godly Living the good life He requires
He’ll open wide the gates of heaven You are among those God has called Into His Eternal Kingdom I’m reminding you what prophets told
In the last days he warns of scoffers Who cleverly lie about God They laugh at the truth when taunting “Where is he? Why so slow? He’s a fraud!”
Is His promised return slow for you? In a day or a thousand years… To God is just like tomorrow When Christ our Savior again appears
He’s given us all blessings promised Let God have His way, not a whim Find out what God wants you to do Become fruitful and useful to Him
Yes, I know how I denied Jesus And recall the rooster crowed, too Three times I said I don’t know Him Ask yourself how many times have you?
All I knew about Peter was that he denied Jesus three times, until I read more about him...