*The blush of moonlight is in full bloom. It has arrived in joy and celebration of you magnificent life Mom. All your trials and worries are fading away. Like shadows in the glow of morningtide.
Hold my hand Mom feel my love and gratitude. Let it be the last farewell for us my mother. Even the trees fade quietly in the autumn Letting their leaves fall in silence So gently as they float in the winds.
The cycle revolves about the wise old moon I fold up my heart into a letter of Love and gratitude and place it into your soul Mom to read again and again in infinities timeless space.
I feel the softness of you In my fingers as you slip away. But I shall not shed tears As you fly to the heaven you deserve. They would only be shed for me for the short lifespan that I have left without your smile.
Instead I kiss the lips that Kissed me in comfort and love Since I was a child. And whisper for the last time. I love you so much Mom. For tears are not the way for us to say goodbye