you are a skin that i shed made of fine silk that i toss into the waste bucket along with the dinner scraps of yesterday. to me, you have no meaning other then the feeling you temporarily fill my chest with.
let them go shop around and try a new one on
do you like the feeling that this one gives you pressed up against your skin?
this is all temporary you know that. but they don't.
so let him ******* on his bed in the morning and let him build you a kingdom out of pillows if it helps cushion the blow of you realizing that you truly have no sense of self. he will teach you how to forget and you will walk away with his personality and never look back..
i never asked to be this way to not be me not me me
i share this body with you and her and everyone i let in
we take turns playing with this body and pulling its strings but i am running on batteries and time and my juice is quite low. i am an apathetic android in need of more soul for this situation and i've just run dry of everything
if only you could peer inside this dusty head and see the inter clock work that makes me the way i am clean the cobwebs and confusion out of the corners
blue wire to red
if only you could turn back time and fix me.
and the reason it'll hurt so bad when you leave isn't because i will miss your memory or because i loved too deeply it's because I don't know who i am without you. i never did.