the boy that dreamed a dream a futures life of dollar and cream his thoughts were of good on this earth no nasties lurking.. snakes unfurled
as teens took on toll.. the mighty hormones kicked thus rebelled yet dream was still right.. get in there a futures bright light shone so in there l
twentys came and did fly and now his 30s dream decline its still inside to see ..his dream of legends and the cream infamous for family and few the boy no more just part of the crew
in forty he worked hard to keep his family dont fall apart his dream of the cream was still there but now quite faded his despair
when fifty he looked so much old the work had taken him ill heath unfold and what was left of his dream gone away ..ditch the cream
but what did he gain for his loss love and family..freinds he could trust his dream was of big and all knew yet he had more as family grew