Anger now consumes my happy carefree misfit..... To fit in I now became the serious carbon copy socialite.... They are the pinnacle of success every platinum promise I believed.... Valet my motivation to the parking lot of lies.... I'd rather get high and count change in a cup holder..... Because when I changed it made me forget the things that count.... I sleep rarely because the drugs are now free... Struggling for the dollar now became my motivations fermentation.... I hope like a fine whiskey it only gets better with age..... And one day I can get back in a beat up car head to the back road. .... Crank our favorite songs and mix it with cheap beer...... This is not a place poverty perceived..... But I guess now it is a place I can't leave..... Wars inside ask me who I really am a foot in the door or menace to society? A foolish happy drunk or a serious miserable member of sobriety? Maybe a balance isn't a bank statement or a lifestyle choice.... Being as loud as others only takes away your voice...... I guess watch the quiet ones with little effect on the other cattle.... This life is a party to enjoy not a painful battle.....