I would let you have it all Each heartbeat, every breath In moments like these When I love myself In such rare moments as these You could take it all Leave me back at square one With nothing to work with And nothing to gain A mountain of a mole hill I'd want you to soak in this feeling Let it stain you like dye Fly it like a flag Hit the floor drunk with the ecstasy Bust your head and wind up in the hospital It's yours for the taking and so much more If you can only help me know the truth And ask of me one simple request "How about not equating death with stopping?" Please may the fire in my heart that acknowledges truth Blaze all the brighter in the acceptance of this one For it is the biggest and best truth one could ever know
The line "How about not equating death with stopping" is by Alanis Morissette from the song "Thank U" taken from her album Supposed Former Infatuation ******. If we could just do that...stop equating death with stopping...can you imagine what we could achieve? How liberating such knowledge is? The eradication of mankind's biggest fear? I'm awestruck.