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Nov 2015
That stands alone reminds me of me

It reminds me of all the love that bypassed me

That tree

It's fallen leaves

Like the tears that has fallen from me

How many times have I grieved

That tree

It's roots  embedded into the ground

Forever bound  

I  believed my loves would never uproot and leave

So many times it has happened to me

That tree

It's branches reaches out with hope

That there will be love

on the near hill *****

Another tree that it may seed

Ah!! it's truly just like me

That tree

It's bark weathered just like me

From waiting

Not so much from dating  

That tree

Standing strong

It will never leave

Waiting to see

If there should be

another love

Just like me

That tree

Mark Tilford
Written by
Mark Tilford  Louisville ky
(Louisville ky)   
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