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Nov 2015
I don't think you understand.
I love you.
You are my stepmother
(Not wicked at all no matter what Brother says)
How could I not?
But you think I am ungrateful, rotten, trash on your shoes.
It must be true (you would never lie).
So I must ask,
How do I change?
I will change everything about myself for you,
So you will love me too.
You would never be so cruel as to stop me from doing this,
Would you?
So the question remains,
What shoul I do?
I will ******, steal, vandalize, and injure.
All for you, Stepmother.
I love you.
Why don't you love me too?
Meredith Nelson
Written by
Meredith Nelson  The U.S.
(The U.S.)   
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