Desire moving with effort Educating your mind to elevate your career A classroom designed to help you preserver It’s a positive approach sharpering your knowledge like a defined broach Terminology advancing into hands on Gaining the formulations into experiences where you belong Lectures into knowledge A lesson brush up just like polish Blackboard with the theories The philosopher of past educators being history Determination Striving University The floor plan creating the actual reality Thirst for education Hungry to succeed Analytical thinking in knowing how to proceed Knowledge is always a need It’s like a farm with a growing seed It’s smaller words that start and bigger words being the mark Staying focused in where you want your career to aim Remember all your colleagues are looking for the same Determination Striving U have given you the tools to pursue on you The reason you chose D.S.U. It knew it was a university that would help you to expand your mind and exams that would be due Determination while you can Striving on when University being the establishment of you at the end.