the summer she turned 21, she met him for the first time
with his promises of new beginnings and sanctuaries that she had always dreamed of, it was no wonder she was ****** in so quickly enamoured by all that he was
oh she had flirted with him so many times before, when times seemed bleak he was always her release in her search for something new
so many told her "leave him behind," for he was bad news. they disliked his promises, veiled with consequences black as midnight, black as the shawl she wore to her father's funeral
but he was tempting yes, he was, with eyes that beckoned, carefully allowing her a glimpse of the galaxies behind them dark galaxies that ****** her soul right into them
so she relented, allowing herself to be drawn in finally sinking into his arms, sighing against his cold unmoving chest his stiff arms and his lifeless eyes
the summer she turned 22, they found her smiling in the arms of death
please don't **** yourself, you have people who love you. you have people who want to be there for you. just look around and reach out for one of them. i know you're afraid. don't be. we want to be there for you. we're sorry we didn't know you were hurting. we love you. please don't ever, ever **** yourself.