The combination of depression and anxiety is a battle that is constantly going on There is no break from it they follow me wherever I go Every day is a struggle I don't complain because complaining doesn't do **** I don't talk about it because people don't understand it I live in isolation because anxiety makes it hard for me to have friends People don't understand how I can go out one day but the next day I can't Some people think it is an excuse to be lazy When you fight depression and anxiety twenty four hours a day along with work, family life, meeting the responsibilities a twenty three year old like myself has to do, a love life if your lucky, school if you go to school Sometimes the stresses of all of these things put together exhausts me to the point I have to miss out on important things to catch up on sleep so I have energy to deal with my disorders
I had to miss work last night because insomnia kept me up for thirty six hours My sister took my shift and I could see in my families eyes they didn't understand why I was so tired I went to sleep crying because I felt like a freak Depression caught me at my most vulnerable but I was way too tired to fight the strangulation so I let it strangle me to sleep reminding me why people **** themselves I am sorry for being so complicated, I am sorry for being a freak, I am sorry if I seem rude or lazy I am not any of those things I am just really really really exhausted
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders WRITTEN ON: September. 18, 2015 Friday 4:33 AM