What is it I was thinking that day Memories, have they been bleached I seek answers but the question is what From where do these emotions derive Can someone explain why Will someone ever recognize me Help me clear my unsettling unknowings Guessing can only satisfy me meagerly For peace I require the full course Why do even the trees seem to stare Though I feel the same towards them Seeming to be secretly replaced As this land I set my feet upon does Passion I recall was the epitome of my life So why do I only sit and ponder about it Lounging like I'm one hundred years past due Knowing there's no point in dwelling But still thinking about these answers Not knowing the question I want to ask Laying down I'll think about it Maybe one day I'll fade back into my reality So until then I'll just close my eyes Just staying on the black transitioning screen Known as sleep Until I understand the questions That my answers so seek When I open my eyes up once more I wonder what I'll be thinking of that day