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Nov 2015
All I want to do is  run, run, run
Straight into the sun , the sun, the sun
Make my life done, done, done
There is not going to be a rerun
So many things I have done
They cannot be undone
Right now it seems my life could be done
A second chance
God is the only one who knows
I have been alone
Many times in the worst pain
I brought it on myself
I am the one I need to blame
For all the ******* strains
All it does is rain
So hard to turn the wheel and change lanes
Drained, Drained , Drained
What a disaster
So many times  I fail to my knees and prayed
so hard to my master
Winked one eye this life
moved faster, faster, faster
I usually take life with a grain a salt
But now
that it is close to being done
Looking back I have to ask
What have I done??
Mark Tilford
Written by
Mark Tilford  Louisville ky
(Louisville ky)   
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