I. I found Basho sitting on my night stand; he was measuring the distance plum blossoms flew when blown by Autumn wind. It was an exercise a mental confrontation of spirit and nature that is oft mystified into confusion.
II. Why is it that the resonance from the meeting of frog and pond, leads most to a mythical, non-existent god or karma or zen? When it is pleasing enough and real, to listen and appreciate the dynamics of tingling synapses and neurons leaping in a conscious mind. To be in awe of the beauty of the leap. To sing the notes that ripple out in waves.
III. Found Basho’s ancient pond saw his huge frog leaping with resonance and splash.
And I was awed by the Ker-plunk!
redzone /Aztec Warrior 8.17.12
Wandering in notebooks again.. written when I was using pen name 'redzone'