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Nov 2015
I'd wake around 5 am
And watch my breath
Explode into the cold air
On a purple Saturday morning
I noticed her warmth most on
Days like Those
I'd roll over and press myself against
Then watch shadows of branches
Dance across her
Warm pink face
I'd rise from bed carefully
being considerate
Of her sleep
I'd tiptoe to the washroom
Quietly put on the coffee
And start typing
Looking over to see her
Moan and roll
To the 'clacks' of the keys
Then around noon I'd crawl back
Into bed
While she began to wake up
We'd kiss goodmorning
Then have *** in the shower
She'd start breakfast in her towel
While I sat on the stool
Beside the stove
And we'd laugh and kiss
And the rest of the
And the world
We're very far away
The nights were different
There was too much gin
And drunken honesty
And she'd rip at my clothes
Howl like a desperate wolf
And swing for my face
While I kept my arms straight
up high
Reaching for the next
Quiet dark
Warm purple morning
Written by
Ray Suarez  San Pedro, CA
(San Pedro, CA)   
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