drawn to her and here by mutual friend, a not-so-neutral standerby, i am undone by reading her entreating, questions haunting... why?
i too will never understand how scars can heal how love divides. the hurting, haunting ever daunting rage and hate inside, it turns me to an ever wanting knowledge... why?
the answer comes in whispered winds, in knowings deep within. this mortal plain does not remain; this clock will one day stop; this heart will beat this side no more; these feet will draw unto this chest, when fleeting moments, thought-filled words, my last i love you's whispered from my breast. and then the realness, truest journey starts where all i take is what i've made and carry there within this heart. a redefining mission. as i introspective, listen, to my Creator whispering, "welcome to my new beginning! you, i've waited long to hold; 'well done' on earth is not the end, for she was just the womb. this place, your home, now birthed anew; the journey now embarks. i'm thrilled you packed so carefully, the treasures carried in your heart."
post script.
more could be said, but why? for we know the answer if we listen to the whisperings within.
SPT, a gifted artist... mostly because she asks such beautiful, soul-searching questions!*