What can you say about two couples opposite from each other Share and Bare were raised by two different mothers Share being the male and Bare being the female As for Bare, a female who would have show and tell in a heart beat Before you could say well, you already would be given a showcase treat Now as to how Share and Bare met was somewhat a questionable event It was a fantastic party in which they went It was a party when Share and Bare glazed into each others eyes it was like Heaven sent Now imagine looking into each other’s eyes It was that very moment Share received an unopened surprise It was very revealing But perhaps that might not have been too wise All this happened in front of everyone at the party It might have been embarrassing to most, and Share didn’t even boost Share just took it in his stride, and was confidence and didn’t hide Nonetheless they became a loving couple together They are definitely like no other Share and Bare were like two birds that were linked together like the wind They went from then into a loving blend They are still in everlasting love and will be until the end.