I graduated fresh and ****** from my mother's womb, a gift, greater than any other. My sister before me too. My brother after me was swallowed up by Him mere hours after drawing his last breath his first. Behold: This is my unambiguous declaration against this universal truth: my unparalleled defense of the dignity of man against the temperature-empty, relentlessly inhuman universe unconcerned with these ventures which characterize knowing it
not. For one day I shall call my teachers by their first names. One day they shall call me doctor. This is the totem declaring the worth of the living and the dead, my sister and my brother: myself. The totem of the disenfranchised and barely and disabled and black. Even also less including I guess the enriched the cup overfloweth and mighty and colourless. Our skin and bones and graves and blood and ****** and lust and chest and ******* and being and nothing and isness is
regardless of everything. It is mine. It is yours. It is yours.