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Oct 2015
How it came to be I don't know
But inside I feel the hatred flow
Will my mind be ever clear
Of this evil that appears appears

Dream on my lucky son
For you know when nighttime comes
We will be inside your head
Waiting for
The time of dread

Why can't you leave me alone
My mind is never your home
Is the only place I have
Safe and clean
Never dammed

Oh how you make it real
Poor you we should feel
But you seem so full of lies
Hiding those darkest eyes

I will not listen I cannot fall
You evil nightmare
My mind will rest I know this true
And banish the dark heart
From you

Think you can stop me
Now your wrong
My evil ways will sing this song
I'll live in your mind till I am done
It seems that you are
The chosen one

I'll not sleep I'll keep awake
Till the new bright
Dawn will break
The sun will shine and you'll be gone
Banished forever with your song

Don't make me cry
Or laugh to loud
You know that it's
Inside you now
Embrace the dark
Never fear
For when you do sleep I'll be here
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