warm of sun through percolator cloud waft of wind stale, flat on surface all-fours; mezzotint of sky blooms like an aged flower across the skirt of the dawn lingering the acrobat hurtling across hideous moonlight.
there is an exhausted sundial in the feeble aurora. one Wednesday yet all too many a day, tumble of the calendar and the pompous talk of clammy water over the pockmarked streets from yesterday's surfeit rain.
i enter the hellish car fostering the sun's fervor in the subcompact like a tiny universe, constellations of sweat on my forehead, a crumpled carton of Marlboro in my pocket whiff of dried leaf clinging to finger this formidable silence across the lounging Mahogany, on the road treading homeward — caught in wave of the next moment, underneath the rain of a once tear shed facing walls slouching towards despondent sheets and scrunched body; claimed whoever sees the face of indelible yesterday, tremulous aspen tree dressed with cicatrices of old, birds unraveling incarnadine wound from upheaval of scabs, disheveled dog naked without any reason at all, weak in dog-joints and reeking in dog-flesh carrying on his back the supremacy of the sun,
i too, here, homebound and downtown sings sleepy the reveille, bridging the darkness there letting in all aches and dangerous playthings for strange men, open
the gates, mother, the pearl of detergent I smell, in my hands shaped cleverly, the rust of gate and the saw-tooth music grating the afternoon frightened and small, resigned to bed; dark's afterthought.