He sneaks in through the window of my soul Never seen or heard No for warning no sound to alert his presence He needs no reason to visit, no wealth to claim For the possession he steals is more precious than gold, more rare than diamonds, but unseen to the human eye This burglar of bliss comes for any trace of happiness, any small inclination of hope Any joy that was once felt and captured so easily in my heart now is his prize for the taking With no rhyme or reason The cloud of sadness is his cover and it seeps in to the cracks Filling the once warm rooms of my mind With chill that runs down my spine So hard to explain to those who don't know his name So confusing and painful for those of us tormented daily by this thief How the worry and thoughts of sadness move over you Take over your body and mind, no matter how hard you fight it No matter how much you just want it to go away and free you from this agony One moment of joy, one day of freedom is what is held dear At least for those of us who are still here Those of us who have not lost the fight yet, but battle this burglar of bliss everyday, every waking moment