I write for me, not for thee I write for me, in order to see the things to which I might otherwise be blind to rummage among ruins to see what I may find
I write not to create mystery, nor to unravel history not to fill my pockets with gold or even have words for others to behold
because I write for me
when words scar a clean white page like some tiny creatures released from a cage I pause long enough to explore why I opened their door
they were not asleep but only hiding and when I allowed their silent gliding I had to follow their puzzling trail like they led to some great holy grail
And when I saw they did not end but they like I could only pretend I paused long enough to breathe and finally to conceive
I write for me, and not for thee
so even if I don’t understand the nature of this literary land the words still keep walking and my eyes keep stalking the path I take for me, but not for thee