People want me to explain my reasoning for having a cynical view of life, I don't need to, it's my life, it's my truths to believe in. You got your lie's that you say is truth same as me, life is a mystery that has no meaning. Hate is just a product of eating a apple off some tree that shouldn't have been there. Yes I know free will and all, that's all great and all, but I hate the pain I feel when I go down the road of sin. Why do I keep going in circles, every step forward is three steps back, feel like a stupid mistake; nothing more demeaning. What is right, what is wrong, who determines that, am I the only one that thinks that this society is whack. I stray from all of that, separating myself from fake rap, because I have decided not affiliate with that crap.Slipping through the cracks, trying so hard to keep breathing, because I want to make a change but every time i try it feels like i'm stepping on tacks. Belief is our only hope, that's so depressing, what is the lesson that need's addressing, what to do when it's my turn to go to bat. Life is a journey, the world is a disease, we live in a false reality, but what is reality? How did we become so water-downed, how did we become so uncultured when it comes to not offending others. We just forgot how to say how we feel, and when we do say what's on our mind, it's determined as savagery. Closing our shutters to emotions, trapped in our caskets, we are dead that's why the amount of people committing suicide is sky rocketing in the numbers.