It was a pleasure when the Johnson’s moved in But this is a new chapter that is going to begin At first the house was thought of in being an average home But the Johnson’s had no idea of what roams Ghostly sounds of troubled moans Cracks on the ceiling and walls Streaks of heavy footsteps pounding the floors Traces of faces of ghost who would appear The idea of in your face of desperation fear The Johnson’s held their hands to their hearts Yet spirits are from souls Ghostly acts of look and behold Ghostly voices got louder and bolder The Johnson’s were told to get out A couple previously owned the house years ago had died Real Estate agencies wanted the home to be sold and they gave every try But within the house, you would hear a ghost in a sadly cry The Anderson’s who were the dead owners prior of the house, vowed the house will never be sold At least this was what all buyers were told So ghost screams continued to go on The time frame being for as long The Ghost proclaimed, “Who says we shall be casted out” We were the prior owners and will continue to move about Our house being our entire life It has always been our soul strive Whoever buys the former Anderson’s house they will be silenced like an unsuspecting mouse The thrills and chills will continue to prosper on Soul to expected soul in where you will need to belong.