The usual lives of every one gather Dust in my mind I really don't have time to Sit and think about theirs
When I can sit and think about my own And the mistreated people of the world Or as a matter of fact how about The friends I know The friends that know How their lives are
I know mine but I never took the time to understand theirs How can I call myself A friend When I can't even sympathize or Be of comfort
How can I just sit back while some are being threatened While some are being cursed at? All this and my friends still take up for me Is that what a real friend is?
How can I just sit there While they're fighting my battles How can I let myself be there for them When I can't do anything
How can they expect me to be happy All the time when sometimes All I want to do is cry?
How can I know myself so well But resent the fact I know myself at all How can I force myself to Be happy for the ones' I know But not for myself
My laughter and smiles are not Always genuine I bet I fool my friends I bet I fool them all Heck I even fool myself sometimes
I know my friends well enough To not let them See me sad