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Oct 2015
1.   Crack, Snapple, and Pop went to shop for designer clothing at the mall.
2.   The mall was closed so Snapple and Crack hopped on Pop and shopped at Macy's.
3.   According to his doctor, King Kong had a fear of paper airplanes.
4.   Santa Monica fell into the ocean because Santa weighed too much.
5.   Crackle entered rehab, they finally got him the help he needed.
6.   As darkness fell over eastern Europe the planes were all grounded.
7.   It makes you think that the president of Poland had ties to the pope.
8.   Or maybe think that the president of Poland and the pope were close.
9.   Because God is making it difficult for anyone to fly there.
10.  You just have to wonder sometimes about the timing of everything.
David Ehrgott
Written by
David Ehrgott  EVERYWHERE!
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